Home-made Folklore
Solo Exhibition at El Diluvio Universal, Barcelona (2024)
In 2024, I presented a solo exhibition titled Home-made Folklore at El Diluvio Universal in Barcelona. The exhibition featured 8 large-format black-and-white original illustrations alongside my sketchbooks, which serve as a key source of inspiration for my work.
My exploration of folklore in this exhibition reflects a personal interpretation rather than one rooted in any specific community. I reimagine folklore by inventing my own version, transforming friends into mystical creatures and turning bad habits into ritualistic ceremonies. Through drawing, I reinterpret shared traditions in a playful, imaginative way.

Bernat, the Big Foot of Montjuïc / This is a portrait of my friend Bernat, known for his big feet and his love of strolling through Montjuïc Park with his sketchbook in hand.

The Temple of Cuttings / A tribute to my love for propagating plants, with cuttings arranged in a temple.

La Culebra / A tribute to the song 'La Culebra' by Banda Machos, a favorite my friends and I would play to get energized. The song tells the story of a snake that bites people's feet.

La Michelada / A tribute to the Mexican cocktail Michelada, one of my personal favorites.

Mister Ouistiti / A tribute to my friend's alter ego, playful and mischievous like a little marmoset.

Monsieur Bernardo / A tribute to my cat Bernardo, the bringer of chaos, destruction, and mayhem to our lives.

Señorita Infierno / A tribute to the burlesque alter ego of a friend of mine. Named 'Miss Hell,' she takes the stage with a beard, throws knives, and wields a whip to unleash chaos.

Las Patatas Fritas / A tribute to my unwavering love for crisps. I’ve depicted them as communion hosts in a sacred scene, symbolizing just how holy they are to me.